Committee: Vicky Bergmann, Credentials and Mark Labuda, Keys

Purpose: To certify and distribute community stickers for access to community resources. Is responsible for the issuance of boat ramp keys and the maintenance of boat ramps located at Sections 1, 4, and 5. Certifies each member at any meeting of the general assembly and distributes ballots at the LTPOA Annual Meeting.


Keys and Stickers are available through online communication.


Send KEY requests to candr.ltpoa@gmail.com. In the email include: a copy of your registration(s), your London Towne address and phone number. A KEY representative will contact you with further instructions.


STICKER ONLY requests for online credit card purchase should be sent to stickers.ltpoa@gmail.com. In the email include: copies of your registration(s) along with your London Towne address and phone number. After your information is validated, you will receive an invoice from a STICKER representative. Once the invoice is paid by credit/debit card, stickers will be delivered.


Sticker and Ramp Key Fees

Property Owner Stickers (Valid for 3 calendar years beginning in the year issued) are $6.00.

Stickers for Renters and Dependents of Property Owners (Valid for the 1 calendar year in which it is issued) are $10.00.

Ramp Keys are $50.00. The key is valid for the calendar year in which it is issued. Turn in your old ramp keys to avoid additional fees.

What Documentation Is Required to Purchase Stickers?

         Property Owners - Proof of Property Ownership (Deed, Tax Bill or Settlement papers)

         Tenants/Renters Proof of Residency A fully executed current lease with names of all parties, property address and the expiration date

         All- Current vehicle, vessel and/or trailer registrations. The documentation must be registered to your London Towne address

         Credit card for online purchase. Or the appropriate amount of Cash, or a Check, per Fees above