The annual meeting of the Association was held on Wednesday, October 2. The members present voted for the following slate of officers:

  • President, Ralph Brady
  • Vice President, Tony Sledge
  • Secretary, Diane DePew
  • Treasurer, Karen Porter
  • HANDOUTS from the Meeting

    GOOD NEIGHBORS - Consider joining/supporting Historic London Town & Gardens

    Community Dumpster Information from AACO DPW. Location: Gravel Lot at intersection of Shore Drive and Knoxville Road. LINK for DATES & MORE INFO

    STICKERS & KEYS-See Home Page for the Latest

    2024-2025 RATES - $6 for three-year resident sticker. $10 for one-year tenant/dependent sticker. $50 for Ramp Key.

    The Committee will continue a renewed commitment to following the LTPOA rules and regulations. Please see the STICKER ID link on home page of this site. ALL applicants, renewals included, MUST present valid registrations for all vehicles, vessels and trailers. There will be no exceptions. Please remember that all guests (friends, family members, etc.) must be accompanied by a property owner or a bona fide tenant. Please review the Bylaws. Article 13. Use of Association Property

    Questions? Send an email to

    For your annual reference-THE 411 on Maryland Department of Agriculture MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM for 2024

    London Towne participates in the annual adult mosquito surveillance and control program offered by the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Mosquito Control Section.

    Standard Operating Procedures

    Exemption Form

    The state website has all the information.


    The clubhouse is open to rentals and to LTPOA committee, section and board meetings.

    Want to report a pothole? Anne Arundel County has a Hotline that you can call!

    Please brush up on your knowledge of Anne Arundel County Leash Laws.